English version


The Wader Study and Conservation Group (SVOB) is a working group of the Czech Society for Ornithology (ČSO) and has been in existence since 2007. 

The original Wader Study Group existed for 30 years until 1998 and was led by V. Hájek and P. Žďárek. The main study subject was ringing and obtaining biometric data. The group operated in both the Czech and Slovak regions.

The aims of the present Wader Study Group (SVOB) are to concentrate on field records, species specific projects and protection of waders and their environment. Ringing still plays an important role in our group‘s activities. We also organise excursions for group members and the public.

The group annually publishes the journal Vanellus. Vanellus contains the group meeting report, interesting records of waders from the Czech republic, articles, results of our projects, travel journals and photo stories.

We cooperate with IWSG (International Wader Study Group) and we are also regular participants at various conferences. Our members have taken part in international expeditions (Egypt, Serbia – Slender-billed Curlew rescue project and Chukotka – Spooned-billed Sandpiper project).

For more information about our activities or membership please contact us (contact details can be found in the membership section of this website).



Common Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus) project

We participate in a national census of Lapwing breeding sites. The main aim of this project is to map all important breeding sites, which can be integrated in agro-environmental measures and thus protected. Results from spring 2008 are summarised in following paper: Kubelka V., Zámečník V. & Šálek M. 2012 Monitoring čejky chocholaté (Vanellus vanellus) v České republice v roce 2008: výsledky a efektivita práce dobrovolníků. Sylvia 48, 1-23. (see english summary). Project has successfuly continued since 2012 with the help of ornithological public as a citizen science project.

Maintenance of faunistic and phenologic database of Czech waders
Reason behind this project is to collect data about migration and distribution of waders in CZ. We collect the data from czech faunistic database http://birds.cz/avif/ therefore if you have any observations you can upload them there. Currently we have around 20000 records.



Wader group members are expert and amateur ornithologists with an interest in observing, studying and protecting waders. Currently we have 46 members. Members of the group submit a report of their activities concerning waders and an observation list annually. Members receive a group report of annual activities and e-bulletin Vanellus at the end of each year.

How to become a member?

Anyone older than 15 and enthusiatic about waders can become a member. If you want to join us, please contact us (Vojtěch Kubelka, kubelka@gmail.com, Martin Sládeček, slava.laguna.os@volny.cz).